Since Mrs. True and the middle Truelet were taking a nap, I went with the oldest and the youngest Truelet. We were excited as we went out, and decided to bike there in the new bike. Mrs. True is very strong to take them all in that bike. It was hard on the small hills even.
We didn't exactly know where the strawberries were, just approximately, so we went out into a large vacant area behind a church to look for them. The first thing that we found was a gooseberry bush. It had some edible fruit on it, so we ate some and picked some, and we continued to search.
Next, we looked under some small sumac trees that were growing in the area, and found the patch. We noted its location, ate a few berries, and decided to come back the next day with boxes to pick a bunch of berries.
The trip was a success, despite the Truelets' tromping over the patch and destroying a lot of berries. We plan on taking their shoes off next time that we go strawberry picking (so that they notice when they step on a berry.)
We ended up getting over a gallon of berries that we froze for smoothies. We also made a pie, and the Truelets ate as many berries as they could.
The moral of this story is: remember to talk to people about your fruit gathering habits. Everyone has a chance of knowing about fruit that you do not know about!
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